Mountain Fiction - Short Stories
In the menu of this 'ere web site you will notice a new addition; Short Stories.
That is because I have decided to start posting some short stories - a mix of old and new. I have in the past written a number of short stories, most of which have never seen the light of day. Some of these have had a mountain / wilderness theme. I will also endeavour to write some more in my spare time so I shall occasionally publish something here.
Recognising the limits of my creative writing skills I also plan to launch a Short Story Competition in order to involve others. Why?
Well, if you peer through the highly embroidered net curtains of time you will see, leaning upon a fake stone mantelpiece, a dusty sepia tinted image of me winning the High Magazine short story competition. That was back in 2004 and apart from pocketing a cool 150 nicker, it really made me want to keep writing. In a wider context, no matter how small and relatively insignificant an event it was, it has become something I have drawn on in my professional as well as personal life. I cannot forget how immensely rewarding and motivating that moment was.
Anyway, as I have mentioned before this site is a way for me to find a regular reason to write, so I shall try to limit the amount of old stuff I simply regurgitate. In the meantime below is a picture of me with hair, that appeared in the pages of High Magazine. Well I was never gonna get in there for my climbs!
Don't ask me why I wrote under a pen name; it seems a massively pretentious thing to do, for someone writing as a hobby!
Shaking hands with Lindsay Griffin, now President of the Alpine Club