It is 3 months since I quit the rat race to live and work in a slightly less conventional manner. Last Thursday I was flying home from a work trip (something I have not done for some time) and it got me thinking about how I manage my time and what I fill my days with and perhaps most importantly where my priorities lie.
What is the most precious and totally un-renewable resource?
Alongside this web site I am currently involved in a number of projects, start ups, advisory and consultancy roles which is very interesting, but the truth of working on a number of different projects poses challenges of prioritization. This is especially true the moment that one of them requires more of that precious and totally un-renewable resource; time.
Accompanying this demand is the fear that concentrating on one big project, will draw me in again to a world I have chosen to leave.
It is enjoyment from work that I seek and the variety provided by a number of ventures, including of course this web site. So, the thought of being pulled back into a scenario in which one work channel becomes all-consuming is a concern.
At first the greatest fear I had was a long-term financial fear. Amid the euphoria of having made decision to pull out of the conventional work environment there was a nagging uncertainty of long-term financial security. This fear I have tamed.
Now I have a concern that the attraction of transforming one project into one large work opportunity may detract from this site and the lifestyle I want to ensure I commit to. So I thought it would be good to remind myself what The Armchair Mountaineer has done for me over the last 3 months.
It gives me things to think about, to write about, to read about, to dream about, to aspire to...
Over the last 3 months I have planned a strategy for The Armchair Mountaineer, published content to get more traffic but most importantly I have used it to indulge my passions:
- In October alone I completed 125 km of runs and walks, with 3000m of ascent. Modest, but incomparable with any month in the last 15 years.
- I travelled to Italy to spend a few days in the mountains, met with family I have not seen for many years and despite awful weather enjoyed exerting myself in the Alps.
- In November, influenced by wandering in my back yard I was inspired to start volunteering with the The Wildlife Trusts, helping out twice a month on some conservation mornings.
- I have indulged my passion for mountains and the outdoors by interviewing artists who paint these inspirational and beautiful environments.
- I spent 2 days at Kendal Mountain Festival listening to others talk of the importance and inspirational power of the wilderness and the outdoors.
- As a book collector, in the last 3 months I have spent more time reading about the history of mountains and alpine travel, enjoying my own books and seeking out new ones and planning my own.
- I have started to dream up a number of travel plans over the next 12+ months, which include elements of adventure in the outdoors.
- I have set myself some personal physical challenges aimed at greatly increasing my fitness.
- I have spent more time with my family.
All of this is anchored to this web site. It gives me things to think about, to write about, to read about, to dream about, to aspire to, and it gets me outside.
As other projects jostle for space I must remind myself that whatever this website may fail to bring me in financial gains it brings me so much more in mental and physical well-being.